Recently,The Journal of Neo-public Finance(Series 1, 2021) (in Chinese and English) was officially published and released by Chinese Financial &Economic Publishing House. It has been four years since Center for China Fiscal Development of CUFE and Neo-Public Finance Institute started to prepare for the publication of the journal in 2017.The Journal is CUFE’s first of basic financial theory in both Chinese and English with basic theories of finance and their innovations as the contents. The journal, with “Neo-Public Finance” as the basic fiscal theory, plans to build a platform of primary theories and dissemination for the public finance school with Chinese characteristics. Providing a complete and systematic explanation of the theoretical framework of Neo-public Finance, the journal enables all sectors of society to better understand its mission and tasks, thus promoting the development of localized basic theory of fiscal science with universal applicability and interpretability, producing world-class research results, and ultimately realizing the theoretical confidence of finance in China.