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Doctoral Student of CUFE Invited to the Nobel Prize Winners Conference
  • Published:2020-03-02
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 Recently, upon the recommendation of CUFE, and after multiple rounds of letter reviews, conference reviews by Sino-German experts, the German Lindau Nobel Prize Winners' Congress Foundation finally confirmed that Li Jingxi, a doctoral student from the China Financial Development Collaborative Innovation Center of CUFE, was qualified to attend the 7th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. She will attend the meeting in Lindau, Germany, this August, listen to the Nobel Prize winners’ reports, communicate face-to-face with Nobel Prize winners, and visit Germany's top universities and scientific research institutions.

 It is reported that 20 Nobel laureates will be invited to attend the Nobel Prize Winners Conference and 500 young scholars from all over the world will be selected to attend. Among them, China has selected 30 candidates from the economics doctoral students recommended by 24 universities. The Sino-German Science Center and the German Nobel Prize Winners' Congress Foundation in Lindau will provide financial support to Chinese participants.


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