From December 4thto12nd, President Ma Haitao led a delegation to visit Argentina and Brazil, where theywere invited toengage in exchanges atthe Chinese Embassy in Argentina, the National University of San Martin in Argentina, the Chinese Consulate General in Recife, Brazil,University of Pernambucoand the Federal University of Paraíba. On the morning of the 5th, the delegation was invited to visit the Chinese Embassy in Argentina.The Chinese Ambassador to Argentina, Wang Wei, met with the delegation.

Ambassador Wang Weiheld talks withPresident Ma Haitao
On the afternoon of the 5th, the delegation visited the National University of San Martín in Argentina and held discussionswithVice PresidentAna María Loisand otherrelevantpersonnel.

On the 7th, the delegation visited University of Pernambuco in Brazil and participated in the 10th anniversarycommemorativeactivities of the Confucius Institute at the university.

The twopartiesco-hostedthe 6th International Academic Symposium on China-BrazilEconomic and Social Development.

On the afternoon of the 7th, President Ma Haitao and President Maria Do Socorro held talks on deepening cooperation and exchanges between the two universities and convened the 2023 Board Meeting of the Confucius Institute at the Federal University of Pernambuco.

On the evening of the 7th, the delegation attended the 10th-Anniversary Cultural Performance Galahosted bythe Confucius Institute.

On the morning of the 8th, the delegation was invited to visit the Consulate-General of China in Recife, Brazil.

On the afternoon of the 8th, the delegation visited the Federal University of Paraíba in Brazil.

The delegation visited the Federal University of Paraíba in Brazil.
On the 9th, the delegationinvestigatedthe teaching, faculty, curriculum development, and exchange activities of the Confucius Institute, and held discussionswith the Chinese and Brazilian staff and volunteers at the institute.