Title: Are the Only-Child Discriminated in China’s Labor Market? Evidence from a Field Experiment
Speaker: Haoran He
Abstract: China’s 35-year implementation of the one-child policy has generated more than 150 million only child, and they have become an increasingly important source of labor force in the market. By sending fictitious resumes to online job postings in various industries and job categories in the largest Chinese city Shanghai, we investigate how being an only child with different gender affects an applicant’s probability of receiving a job interview. Specifically, we manipulate the combination of applicant’s gender and only child identity in the resumes and guarantee other characteristics such as education background and working experience statistically identical. Our results show that the likelihood of receiving a callback for an interview is significantly lower for the only child than for the sibling ones, and this is robust across various industries, job categories as well as firm size and ownership.
About Haoran He : He is an Associate Professor in the School of Economics and Business Administration at Beijing Normal University. He completed his Ph.D. in Economics at University of Gothenburg. His research focuses on Behavioral Economics,Experimental Economics,Environmental Economics,Labor Economics
Date: April,7th,2016
Time:15:40-17:00 PM
Location:Room 608, Academic Hall, CUFE